Mundi Project is excited to continue our Zoom music classes with an expanded lineup this Fall! Taught by our experienced teaching artists (Mindy Dillard, Gabino Flores, and Laura Strobell), learners of all ages and levels can sign up for a variety of topics including ukulele, classical guitar, piano, and music & motion. Join a class and interact in a live setting with the instructor and fellow classmates to create a musical community with like-minded individuals! See below for tuition and instrument assistance info. 

Classes Start: October 5th

Classes End: December 19th

Thanksgiving Break: November 22-28

For Current Students!

Save this image (right click, select “save image as”) and share with your family and friends! We would love to meet them all on Zoom!

For students opting to pre-record their performance, submit your video here:

Video submission deadline: Sunday, April 18th. Please make sure your video is exactly how you want it– we will not be editing the videos!

Fall 2020 Harmony Hub Zoom Class Schedule

Tuition & Instrument Assistance Info

Pay-What-You-Can Tuition Assistance Scale

In order to provide access to all in our community, Mundi Project has developed a Pay-What-You-Can Tuition Assistance Scale. The full cost value of our 10-week classes is $200. While we are making every effort to offer a low-cost option for low-income learners, hiring well-qualified teaching artists, and administrating the class comes with its own set of expenses to the organization. Thank you for your understanding! The tuition dollars will help us continue to offer these classes to all in our community during the pandemic and beyond.


Instrument Assistance

  • Classical Guitar– Utah Classical Guitar has instruments and footstools available for loan. The registration form will ask you to indicate your need.
  • Music & Motion– Students will be provided a package of supplies for the 10-week session. Parents will be contacted regarding pick-up or shipping.
  • Piano– If you need a keyboard, we have a few available for loan or we can help you purchase our recommended package, which includes the keyboard, adapter, stand, bench, and headphones. Learners are asked to invest a minimum of $20 towards the keyboard. We order from Amazon Smile and it is shipped directly to you.
  • Ukulele– If you need a ukulele, we can help you purchase our recommended instrument. We order from Amazon Smile and it is shipped directly to you.
Classical Guitar Class Descriptions

Through Mundi Project’s partnership with Utah Classical Guitar we are able to offer classical guitar classes for beginner, amateur, and experienced players! Taught by Teaching Artist Gabino Flores, students will gain or improve understanding of music theory, technique, and ensemble playing. Zoom sessions are limited to 8 participants per class so sign up early!

Returning Beginner Classical Guitar | Wednesdays | 6:00–6:45 PM | Oct 7–Dec 16

This class is designed for learners who have taken classes with Gabino Flores before. Students will continue working on beginner repertoire and build on the techniques they established in the last class session.

Returning Experienced Classical Guitar | Wednesdays | 7:00–7:45 PM | Oct 7–Dec 16

This class is designed for amateur/experienced players who have taken classes with Gabino Flores before. Players will continue working on intermediate/advanced ensemble repertoire.

Youth Beginner Classical Guitar Class | Thursdays | 6:00–6:45 PM | Oct 8–Dec 17 

This class is designed for youth (ages 10-15) new to classical guitar. Students will learn technique, music theory, and beginner repertoire!

Adult Beginner Classical Guitar Class | Thursdays | 7:00–7:45 PM | Oct 8–Dec 17 

This class is designed for learners ages 16+ who are new to classical guitar. Students will learn technique, music theory, and beginner repertoire!

Music & Motion Class Description

Specially designed for ages 5-9 as an introduction to music and taught by Teaching Artist Laura Strobell. Zoom sessions are limited to 8 participants per class so sign up early!

Music & Motion | Saturdays | 10:00-10:45 AM | Oct 10–Dec 19

Start your musical journey with this interactive course designed for young learners! This 10-week journey is designed for children that are new to music. We explore basic musical concepts, including rhythm, dynamics, and the musical alphabet through weekly lessons and activities. Students get supplies to make music with the class! This includes basic percussion instruments and a kazoo (to be a part of the class kazoo choir!) Participants learn and reinforce their musical growth through song learning, scavenger hunts, virtual field trips, and movement games. The focus of this class is to create a fun environment for young learners to make friends and experience music from the comfort of their own home! No keyboard required.

Piano Class Descriptions

Our piano classes are taught by Teaching Artist Laura Strobell– classical pianist and music educator! Zoom sessions are limited to 8 participants per class so sign up early!

Youth Piano Class | Saturdays | 11–11:45 AM | Oct 10–Dec 19

This course is created for independent kids that are motivated to learn the piano! We will cover beginning concepts, including music theory, rhythm, and note-reading, to work towards playing entire pieces on the piano. Students will not only build their musical knowledge but gain skills in practicing. Access to a piano during meetings is necessary. Students are encouraged and welcome to share their home progress with the class! We will learn and reinforce concepts in an interactive way with games, listening activities, and free computer/smartphone applications that allow students to work at their unique level.

Adult Piano Class | Saturdays | 1–1:45 PM | Oct 10–Dec 19

From your home, you can engage with your community, build relationships, and gain skills to play the piano! This course is designed for adult learners new to the piano. We will cover basic skills in rhythm and learn to read the treble clef and bass clef. We will work on basic harmonic skills, learning to play intervals, and work towards major and minor chords. Students build their skills through weekly home practice assignments and free internet resources. Spend time with others that share the wish to learn the piano and make that wish come true!

Ukulele Class Descriptions

Our ukulele classes are taught by Associate Director Mindy Dillard who is a folk musician and an award-winning singer-songwriter! Zoom sessions are limited to 8 participants per class so sign up early!

Young Child Ukulele Class | Wednesdays | 11:00–11:45 AM | Oct 7–Dec 16

In our parent-child class, Kids ages 5-9 are invited to learn the basics of the ukulele! along with a parent or guardian (or older friend, nanny, etc). Students will learn chords, music theory, and songs via sheet music and tablature during a weekly class for a 10-week session. Students will be able to make requests about which songs or techniques they would like to learn. New songs will be introduced every other week with jam sessions on alternate weeks to encourage learning and sharing. Having a parent or guardian nearby to help as necessary and parent-child pairs are allowed to share a ukulele. Only 8 parent-child pairs per class.

Youth Ukulele Class | Wednesdays | 4:00–4:45 PM | Oct 7–Dec 16

Youth ages 10 – 15 are invited to learn the basics of the ukulele! Students will learn chords, music theory, and songs via sheet music and tablature during a weekly class for a 10-week session. Students will be able to make requests about which songs or techniques they would like to learn. New songs will be introduced every other week with jam sessions on alternate weeks to encourage learning and sharing. 

Adult Ukulele Class | Wednesdays | 5:00–5:45 PM | Oct 7–Dec 16

Adults ages 16 and up will learn chords, music theory, and songs via sheet music and tablature during a weekly class for a 10-week session. Students will be able to make requests about which songs or techniques they would like to learn. New songs will be introduced every other week with jam sessions on alternate weeks to encourage learning and sharing.