Featured in Washington Post!


For Roxie Lewis, 16, a baby grand piano donated by the Mundi Project helped her to progress to the next level in her quest to master Rachmaninoff, she said. She hopes to become a concert pianist someday. “I love how music and playing music makes me feel, and I love being able to express myself through the piano,” said Roxie, who lives in Saratoga Springs, Utah. “Sometimes, I don’t have words for what I am feeling, but I do have the piano,” she said. [Continue Reading]


Through Mundi Project’s Piano Bank, we provide donated used pianos to families, individuals, and public organizations for the sake of music making and learning. The process begins by starting our application! 

If an applicant passes the initial screening, we will schedule a virtual interview to hear more about how a piano will benefit your life or impact the communities you serve. Based on the application and interview, applicants will be accepted or declined. Please note: You must be a resident or a public space within the state of Utah to apply. We are unfortunately unable to serve those outside of the state at this time due to organizational capacity.

It’s that simple! If you have any questions or concerns during the process, please reach out to Mundi Project Program Coordinator, Dylan Thomas. He may be reached at the office: 801.487.8594 or via email: dthomas@mundiproject.org

We look forward to receiving and reviewing your application!